Do you want to know who is your reference person in the company?

Do you want to know who is your reference person in the company?

12 Oktober 2018


Since 1980, we work on product quality and service to give more value to your business!

We think it's very important to personally know the person who takes care of you within the Company.

We're happy to introduce you:

Elisa Barborini, one of the youngest of Nuova Ricambi's family.

"I'm proud to be part of the team for about two years, I'm always ready to get involved in new challenges, suggesting new initiatives with dynamism. 

I take care of the Central Europe and Greek market and, working in team with the new Sales manager Emiliano, also of Northern Italy customers.

The desire to discover and learn, as well as the passion for foreign languages, help me to support customers in an efficient pre and after sales phase. This allows me to establish good relationships with customers, because they are part of Nuova Ricambi's family, for whom I am and will always be available with a smile.

Joining the team has allowed me to grow professionally and personally and has opened to me a new surprising world to discover, the Coffee World!"



Annika Frischmuth, born and grown up in Germany, has found her new home in Italy and a second family in Nuova Ricambi.

"When I started working in Nuova Ricambi as customer care I initially took care of our foreign customers with a special focus on our German speaking countries. When in 2009 we became part of the big La Marzocco family I started taking care of their distributors. Some of them had already been our customers for a long time and starting this new journey with them has been even more emotional. 

I'm happy that I had the opportunity to see our company grow over these years that, as a consequence, made our office phisically grow to a total of 6 persons".


Vanessa Casati, works for Nuova Ricambi in the customer care office since 2008.

“I currently take care of our sister companies in the world and of customers from: North America, Asia, Australia, Oceania and some African countries.

I assist customers with the preparation and elaboration of their orders and with whatever request concerning pre and after sales.

I am a dynamic girl, always active. I love foreign languages: I speak English and German very well and also some French and Spanish. I like working for Nuova Ricambi because I'm in contact with customers writing and calling from every part of the world all day long.

What do I think about the Coffee World? That's really fascinating, it's rich of resources and innovative products. Every time we add to our catalogue new products, I feel astonished at how many studies are carried out in this field and how much passion is hidden behind a simple cup of coffee. I'm really glad to be part of this world because it's an ongoing discovery!

What I like most of my job? The fact that every morning I get up happy to go to work. It might be weird but it's the truth! And I'm happy to share this joy with you!”.


Annalisa Viola, the youngest resource of Nuova Ricambi Team.

“After a first job experience abroad, I came back to Italy with the hope of being able to continue my journey with foreign languages. I met the possibility of expressing myself in the best way thanks to Nuova Ricambi, which welcomes me with open arms, assigning to me Spanish-speaking customers, Scandinavian customers, Russians customer and part of Central Africa ones. Despite my young age, I am full of energy that pushes me to help and satisfy the customer with a smile. Taking care of the pre-sales, allows me to stay in touch with the customer and always discover something new. Becoming part of this new world allowed me to continue developing two of my biggest passions: traveling and foreign languages”.


Marco Pantaleone, 34 years old, after a three-year experience in Germany, he has recently arrived in Nuova Ricambi.
"I take care of German-speaking customers and Eastern European markets, I follow customers from the first contact to after-sales assistance, making proposals and trying to meet their needs.
Of this work I like the relationship that I can establish with the client and the ability to guide and assist him at best. Among my passions ?! Well, of course coffee, and travel".


Patrizia Manzoni, works in Nuova Ricambi since 1986 and she is one of the most experienced people in the Company.

"I started working in the Company when the team was really made up of a few people, one of whom was Mr. Zanesi Marcellino, the founder of Nuova Ricambi. In all these years I have had the opportunity to see the Company improve and grow more and more, especially when Marcello Zanesi, our current CEO, took control of the company and Nuova Ricambi has developed its business Worldwide.

I am very happy with the achievements and successes we have achieved. I worked for many years in the shipping office before moving on to the customer care department.

Currently I deal with clients of the Center, South Italy and Islands. I assist my clients in the preparation and processing of orders, pre and post sales.

I thank all the customers, old and new, for the work done together in these years and I hope that our growing collaboration will lead us to reach new goals, always TOGETHER".


Eleonora Corti, "my work experience in Nuova Ricambi started in 2012. After a year our paths were divided, but on both sides there was the desire to meet again. And that's how in 2015 I officially returned to be part of the family.

I’m currently on maternity leave for the birth of my second child Daniele. I'll be back in business next year with my usual enthusiasm and passion for my work.

In the meantime, I want to send a warm greeting to all the customers that I had the pleasure of knowing and assisting in these years ... see you soon !!"

