World of Coffee: Nuova Ricambi and Edo Barista sponsor Giesen Zheng
BUDAPEST – This year the 17th edition of the World Of Coffee, the most important coffee event …
Brass or Stainless Steel? Chose the best for your espresso machine
MILAN – Since prehistory, man has always sought the most innovative solutions and focused in …
Nuova Ricambi at HotelAsia2016: the importance to be there!
Asia has now a strategic role for the world of coffee. From 12-15 of April the attention of the …
Nuova Ricambi Italy will join Nuova Ricambi China and Nuova Ricambi Taiwan at Hotelex
From March 29 to April 1, Nuova Ricambi srl will be in Shanghai for Hotelex, the 25th Shanghai …
Nuova Ricambi at Host 2015: it’s been great to meet you!
Host 2015 is a very important moment for every company that consider the internationalization …
Verso Host. Nuova Ricambi, 30 esperti e filiali in 9 Paesi
Nuova Ricambi srl fondata nel 1980 produce e commercializza ricambi per macchine da caffè, …
I NOSTRI LUTTI – È morto Marcellino Zanesi, martedì i funerali
MILANO – Marcello Zanesi, titolare della Nuova Ricambi, ci ha raggiunto con questo annuncio:Do la …
interview of Macello Zanesi - Cinese
The driving forces behind a championship!
The driving forces behind a championship!Preparation is everything when you are about to compete at …
La Marzocco: out of the box 2011
A huge THANK YOU to all that were able to attend the Out of the Box this year in Milan, Italy. Below…