Best wishes on your retirement Roberto!

Best wishes on your retirement Roberto!

28 Mayo 2021 - News

Dear customers,

we would like to inform you that our colleague Roberto Bonissone has concluded his experience in Nuova Ricambi after 14 years at our side as a technician:

“I spent some wonderful years in Nuova Ricambi, and now it’s my time to retire. It's not easy to say goodbye after sharing so many amazing work experiences with all of you. Friendships have also been born with some customers that I hope to continue in the future. Now comes the best - continues Roberto - a second youth and a lot of free time await me”.

All of us at Nuova Ricambi would like to thank him for his dedicated service, always attentive, precise and thoughtful towards customers.


In the Technical Department, from now on, you can fully rely on:

Francesco Maggioni:

Andrea Moretti:

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