Nuova Ricambi and Espresso Solutions at WOC in Dublin, the Capital of Coffee 2016
Dublin: for 3 days, from Thursday the 23rd to Saturday the 25th of June, the aroma of beer will be overwhelmed by that of coffee.
The World of Coffee 2016, Europe’s greatest coffee gathering and one of the world’s pre-eminent coffee events, will be held during these days. The event, organized by SCAE (Speciality Coffee Association of Europe, 3.000 members around the world) will bring up to 8.000 thousands of coffee professionals and enthusiasts together from more than 100 countries across the globe.
Celebrating 16 years of SCAE exhibitions and events, and the 16th annual World Barista Championship, World of Coffee Dublin 2016 will be also the stage where The New Product of The Show Awards will see the most innovating products in the coffee fields.
Nuova Ricambi could not miss this amazing opportunity to both meet clients, producers and friends at its boot, D28, and to present the most innovative product of its catalogue, the DuoDrip, the metal double cone which will be a real revolution in every bar e coffee shop where a Barista will be willing to have a new tool which will take mixology outside the box.
“Fantasy is the main ingredient to brew coffee using the DuoDrip: the Barista will play with different coffee blends, different roasting profiles, different grinding sizes, different coffee powder quantities”, explain Marcello Zanesi, CEO of Nuova Ricambi, “Using this method, the pre-infusion is not needed, since the upper cone is positioned inside the bottom cone and the liquid extracted by the first cone is irrorated directly from the central point of the coffee powder positioned in the second cone”.
The first extraction is in fact the base for the second one: it influences the aromatic notes in the cup, especially if using 2 different coffees.
The second extraction is the one who will highlight the qualities of the used coffee: in the bottom cone is it possible to play with every kind of coffee, tea or other products (fruits, spices….), giving the possibility to a professional to play with all the possibilities of mixology.
The idea of the DuoDrip, Double Metal Cone, was had by Davide Berti, the Italian Barista known for his skills and his performances in different international contest and Italian champion of CIGS 2016. As a mixology fanatic, Davide experimented every combination and every possibility offered by every extracting tools. “I was looking for something more complete, which could give me the results I was looking for” says Davide, “In particular I was fascinated by the possibilities offered by V60 and I started from here to develop a tool which I believe to be the Rubik Cube of the Barista. This innovative extraction method, branded EDO, allows the barista to get the perfect channelings, using during the same extraction 2 different coffees and 2 different extractions methods, percolation on the upper cone and irroration on the bottom cone, to exalt all the aromatic notes of Specialty Coffee Blends”.
Nuova Ricambi and its partner in the UK, Espresso Solutions, will be at the Boot D28 to introduce you to DuoDrip and to all the news of the 2016 catalogue.