Davide Berti and Cinzia Linardi: the Spirits of the Championship!

Davide Berti and Cinzia Linardi: the Spirits of the Championship!

26 March 2016 - Events

In Shanghai, the rhythms of training are becoming tighter for the super champion David Berti, now just days from World Championship of Coffee in Good Spirits.

The times of the different trials came out just yesterday, and Davide's competition was set for March 31: at 1.45pm the set-up, at 1.56pm the Performance and at 2.06pm the Clean Up.

Short minutes for each stage of the trial, and behind every single minute, hours and hours of hard training, flanked by the talented Cinzia Linardi who is working with him on the sensory parameters. It's appropriate to say that ‘behind every great champion there is a great champion’: Cinzia is infact one of the most important Italian Cup Tester and, like for Davide, coffee is in her blood.

The well-matched pair arrived few days ago in Shanghai and is now busy studying the continuous evolution of the coffee chosen for the contest: the humidity (over 86%) and the temperature of around 6 degrees have, as expected, revealed new notes of the blend. The cocktails are now being recalibrated: during the day in the training room, in the evening at the hotel, to review and study the notes taken during the day.

Missing very few days, tension and excitement are very high! The first formal meeting of the world championship will be on March 29th, with the 'Spirits Bar'.

Go guys! We are all with you!!!

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